Bill Zebub on the Radio
Bill Zebub returned to WFMU. You can hear his first show of the new season here https://wfmu.org/playlists/shows/129904 – in that playlist there is a pop-up player.
You can consult the playlist when you are curious about the song.
The debut show was a bit more of a mix than is usual for Bill Zebub’s “Vortex of Chaos” and it shall evolve over time. When Bill Zebub’s show was in an overnight slot, he favored the ultra slow and melancholy doom, as did the listeners, but the new time slot is Thursdays from noon-3 pm (New York time zone). Adjust your time zone and your underwear appropriately.
To catch the stream live, simply go to https://wfmu.org/sheena Thursdays noon-3 pm NY time. You can participate in the chat. You can also comment on the playlist if you stream after-the-fact.
Indulge your curiosity and discover music you haven’t heard before. Of course, there will be some known artists, like King Diamond, but there will be much that almost never gets radio play. This radio station is not forced to play the hits. It is an exploration. Come in with an open mind. Also, each show may vary. It’s not like a box of chocolates because you always know what is in the box of chocolates. In fact, most boxes of chocolates provide diagrams that reveal what is inside each one. The only way this metaphor works is if you have a blindfold and have no idea what is going to be placed into your mouth. It might not even be chocolate, depending on the ethics of the experimenter. Now THAT is thinking outside of the box of chocolates.
ork time zone). Adjust your time zone and your underwear appropriately.
To catch the stream live, simply go to https://wfmu.org/sheena Thursdays noon-3 pm NY time. You can participate in the chat. You can also comment on the playlist if you stream after-the-fact.
Indulge your curiosity and discover music you haven’t heard before. Of course, there will be some known artists, like King Diamond, but there will be much that almost never gets radio play. This radio station is not forced to play the hits. It is an exploration. Come in with an open mind. Also, each show may vary. It’s not like a box of chocolates because you always know what is in the box of chocolates. In fact, most boxes of chocolates provide diagrams that reveal what is inside each one. The only way this metaphor works is if you have a blindfold and have no idea what is going to be placed into your mouth. It might not even be chocolate, depending on the ethics of the experimenter. Now THAT is thinking outside of the box of chocolates.