Rape is a Circle Re-Edit

Rape is a Circle Re-Edit

RAPE IS A CIRCLE has been out of print for a while. Fans have begged for a re-release. Here is your chance to get a pristine re-edit. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/billzebub/catherines-pain Take a look, or make an excuse. The choice is yours, ha ha. Please spread the word about this.

Bill Zebub offer 3 out-of-circulation movies

Bill Zebub offer 3 out-of-circulation movies

Bill Zebub is offering three movies on a BD-R, with each disc hand-numbered and signed. It’s $35 in the USA, and all others add $20 for shipping. Email bill@billzebub.com to receive ordering instructions. The movies are METALHEADS (from 2001), DOLLA MORTE, and FRANKENSTEIN THE RAPIST. These are early movies, so you should only get this disc if you are a big fan. The reason why these older titles are being offered on a disc is that fans have begged Bill…

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Dickshark is now streaming

Dickshark is now streaming

Click https://vimeo.com/ondemand/dickshark to enjoy a new cut of DICKSHARK, streaming in 4K (you can download it in 4K as well). The Blu(e)ray that will be available this year will have two new cuts, one that is expected to be longer than five hours. It will be a 2-disc edition with bloopers and out-takes.

Bill Zebub dies in fiery car crash

Bill Zebub dies in fiery car crash

Bill Zebub was found dead after being hit by a car. The driver was texting while driving. Coincidentally, the driver was texting her friend about how much she loves Bill Zebub movies. Due to the severe burns and penile disfigurement, the funeral is closed-casket and not open to the public. Bill Zebub’s wife stated that she plans to pull all of Bill Zebub’s films, books, and music from public circulation out of respect for the real man she once knew.

Black Metal Documentary streaming free

Black Metal Documentary streaming free

You can enjoy a free version of Bill Zebub’s black metal documentary on Tubi https://tubitv.com/movies/714342/black-metal-and-other-dark-music It is still long (at over 2.5 hours) but shorter than the 7-hour version on Bluray (BLACK METAL: THE ULTIMATE DOCUMENTARY). Perhaps you can consider this as a try-before-you-buy, and when you DO purchase the Blu(e)ray, then you will get many more hours of new content.



The DICKSHARK DVD is going to contain the FRANKENSHARK cutm so if you want the first commerical cut (2 hours and 20 minutes) this is your last chance. Stock is low. The Frankenshark cut is 90 minutes and shall become the official DVD version. The FRANKENSHARK Blu(e)ray is going to be discontinued, so get your copy if you want it in your collection. This also contains a shorter version of SANTA CLAUS: A HORROR STORY. You might be aware that…

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News from Bill Zebub

News from Bill Zebub

The Kickstarter for the re-edits of DICKSHARK is the most successful crowdfunding campaign in Bill Zebub’s history. This is exciting because over 70% of the funders have never participated in Bill Zebub’s crowdfunding before. This success also shows that the movie is so special to the fans who have seen the original cut that they want to see the three alternate cuts. (All funders get to see a streaming version that might be in 4K). The script for GRAMMAR NAZI…

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Dickshark Reincarnates

Dickshark Reincarnates

You might be excited about the 400_ page picture book, which will be 8.5 x 11 with each page bearing one huge fullcolor photo. Every household needs one of these. DICKSHARK, THE ULTIMATE EDITION will contian at least 2 hours of behind-the-scenes footage, plus the longest possible cut, which might be 7 hours log (but at least 5) Click here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/billzebub/dickshark-the-long-and-short-re-edits to nab your limited edition. If you are feeling extra cool, then copy and paste that on your various…

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The Longest Cut of Dickshark

The Longest Cut of Dickshark

Dickshark might be presented in two new cuts; one being at least 5 hours long (maybe even 7) and the other being the most streamlined version between 70-80 minutes, with a huge amount of behind the scenes footage. You can visit https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/billzebub/dickshark-the-long-and-short-re-edits and click FOLLOW to be notified as soon as the Kickstarter launches.