Bill Zebub Died from Corona Virus

Bill Zebub Died from Corona Virus

It is not always easy to see an obstacle as an opportunity for growth, but the suggested behavior of staying at home and avoidance of other humans is highly conducive to writing, so Bill Zebub has been able to get to the final stages of editing two books.

One of his books is a collection of poems and short stories. Some were printed in “The Grimoire of Exalted Deeds” magazine and other periodicals. Some were songs lyrics from his band “Bloodgod.”

The other, huge book, is his first memoir. Yes, first. There will be another one.

The first memoir is “Fanzine Editor, Radio Personality, and Movie Maker.” It focuses mostly on his magazine, but radio and movies are intertwined. There is also insight into Bill Zebub as a person – he was always a fool, and his every success is an accident, so never ask him for advice. Nothing good was every planned. Yes, the memoir reads like the story of an imbecile, a character who is amusing but who is someone you would never want to become.

Read it either for entertainment, or to see the wizard behind the curtain. Learn some secrets, either about him or about the various entertainment industries he became king of.


His second memoir is tentatively titled “Movie Maker and Madman” which will focus more on the films, which number almost a hundred.

The books will be available in paperback as well as digital. Please Email if you want to be notified of release dates and where they will be available, and also indicate if you prefer printed book or the digital form.

Fans have begged for anthologies of THE GRIMOIRE OF EXALTED DEEDS in a book form,but this is impossible for several reasons. There are just too many pages. Thirty three issues is too high a page count. But there is also the fact that this is an era of censorship and political correctness. Brainwashing and low comprehension make it impossible to print most of that material.

There is a web site that is run by fat slobs who would be ignored or ridiculed if they attempt to talk to you at a metal show, but they have tough-on-the-phone antics that actually destroy the livelihood of bands. They have copied excerpts of Bill Zebub’s interviews with bands and then pasted them, completely out of context, on their gay site, which provoked their idiotic anti-metal readers and caused such harassment that tours were canceled, albums were pulled, and other such distinctly NON-metal behavior. It seems that they tried to destroy Bill Zebub as well, but instead they gained him even more fans. Even so, metal has been infiltrated by idiots/outsiders. There are even fake metal bands who are perpetuating this cowardly and moronic behavior, which of course will be mentioned in the memoir.

from DICKSHARK (Bluray version is FRANKENSHARK)

The other problem is that the companies that will be releasing the books will not tolerate the humor of The Grimoire of Exalted Deeds. It would be pointless to produce something that will get banned almost instantly. Perhaps one day, but not in this present climate.

To give you an example of how stupid people have become, Bill Zebub’s movie “Assmoster” was reviewed in a podcast. One of the reviewers said that he wasn’t interested anymore after Bill Zebub called the radio a fag. Although this sounds funny, Bill Zebub did no such thing. His character in the story was jealous because his girlfriend worshipped a radio D.J. and when his voice was in the scene, the camera cut to the radio (because the sound of the voice was coming from the radio). Bill Zebub called the radio host a fag, not the radio, but that would have produced the same stupid response from the reviewer. People don’t seem to understand that characters in movies speak “dialogue” that is written either as something stylized or something realistic. Believe it or not, people actually call each other “fag” so the word shouldn’t be eliminated. That’s social agenda – it is NOT storytelling.


The Victorian Era should be seen as something to NEVER again repeat, but the same suppression is coming back. It is a mistake to exalt humans. We should admit that we are biological creatures. It is harmful to create ideals and then to force people to live up to those. See people for their true natures. We are not god, angels, or demons. Stop pretending that we are.

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