Dickless Zombies is Finalized

Dickless Zombies is Finalized

The master files for DICKLESS ZOMBIES have been sent to the distributor for replication.

This is an experimental movie that should not be viewed if you are looking for a zombie flick or a horror parody. This is a dialogue-heavy social commentary.

The Blu(e)ray will include a 3 hour cut of Bill Zebub’s critically-acclaimed movie “Exploitation” which has a cameo by the late Dyanne Thorne (of Ilsa fame).
As if that weren’t enough, there is also the 5-hour “B Movie Champion – Part 10” and the 2-hour “B Movie Champion – part 4.”

Speaking of which, B MOVIE CHAMPION has a release date in February, but funders of the Kickstarter should begin receiving their limited-art editions within the next few weeks.

Funders of DICKLESS ZOMBIE should receive their much-anticipated copies by February. The street date for the rest of the world will likely be in April.

Currently, Bill Zebub is developing several scripts and he is in active pre-production for TEXAS CHAINSAW MASCARA, which is a departure from his various styles. He is excited about being challenged in this new direction.

Finally, Bill Zebub is completing three books, one of which is a second memoir that deals primarily with his movies, and it might have pictures. His “Best of” THE GRIMOIRE OF EXALTED DEEDS had such high quality illustration that he decided to add pertinent photographs to the future memoir.

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