News from Bill Zebub

News from Bill Zebub

The Kickstarter for the re-edits of DICKSHARK is the most successful crowdfunding campaign in Bill Zebub’s history. This is exciting because over 70% of the funders have never participated in Bill Zebub’s crowdfunding before. This success also shows that the movie is so special to the fans who have seen the original cut that they want to see the three alternate cuts. (All funders get to see a streaming version that might be in 4K).

Chrissy Lynn, before the attack by the Dickshark

The script for GRAMMAR NAZI us being finalized. When Bill Zebub summoned horror fans to meet with him to teach him what purists love about horror movies, he discovered that villains in slasher movies are often avengers. Bill Zebub jokingly posted on social media that he is going to make a slasher movie in which the villain kills people who bastardize the English language. Readers took it seriously and clamored for the movie to be made as soon as possible. Bill Zebub initially was going to reveal that it was a joke-post, but story ideas erupted in his ever-creative mind, and a meaningful story resulted.

Bill Zebub was dismayed by the abuses of christians in Texas, and this resulted in ideas for a blasphemous movie. The tentative title is “JESUS WAS AN ASSHOLE” with a tagline that might be “Just kidding. He never existed.” The script is being developed. It may be possible for the movie to be part of a multipack under the name “Blasphemous Comedy” which may include JESUS, THE DAUGHTER OF GOD (a re-edit), BOOGERS OF THE ANTICHRIST, and ZOMBIECHRIST (a re-edit) but no JESUS THE TOTAL DOUCHEBAG because that title deserves its own Bluray.

Jesus, the daughter ofgod
Jesus, the Daughter of god

The script for TRAPPED IN A STUPID AMERICAN movie is almost done.

FANZINE EDITOR may being filming soon. It will probably be in a multipack called “Metal in Movies” or something like that, and will contain METALHEADS (a re-edit of the original), METALHEADS (a re-edit of the remake, starring Emily Thomas), and possible METAL RADIO KCUF (a re-edit). RAP SUCKS (a re-edit) might be included, but Bill Zebub might put together a collection called “Racial Humor” which will contain “Spooked” but is up to fans how they want these movies presented.

VIXEN OF VIRTUE is a bit late in being released. The Bluray will actually be released under the name “STEREOTYPES DON’T JUST DISAPPEAR INTO THIN AIR” and Vixen of Virtue will be listed as a bonus movie in the disc. However, funders who opted for the limited edition art will have covers bearing the title “Vixen of Virtue” which will make it even more rare.

Stereotypes Don’t Just Disappear into Thin Air was a special movie. It was made as a test of the myriad advice that people were telling Bill Zebub about making movies. He limited the run to 1,000 units because that was enough to learn the truth. A short edit was made for fans who begged for a chance to see the legendary movie, under the title “The Most Offensive Movie Ever Made” which also ran only 1,000 units. Fans begged again, and a 60-minute cut was released on “The Lost Films of Bill Zebub” which still is actively distributed on DVD.

The new edit is going to contain as much of the script as possible, whether or not it was executed well, to better show the intentions. It will also contain interviews with Glen Baisley, Michael Lane, and other actors who chickened out but later regretted their decision when they saw how hilarious the movie ended up being. It will also show bloopers with Rocco Martone, Jillian Gold, Tom Cartier (Buzz Heavy to some, who has died), Elaine Tuttle, Parker Weller (who is sadly in the end stage of cancer), Kerri Taylor (the best thighs ever filmed), and Craig Pillard (who is loved for his “Nazi Cop” character in several movies). The cast participated in a movie that scared conformists, but the trust in the script made the decision easy for these special people. Perhaps it is unwise to release the title again in this age of knee-jerk reactions and shallow judgment, but Bill Zebub never made movies for imbeciles.

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